Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snoring – Annoying And Not A Good Sign

Snoring – Annoying And Not A Good Sign
Okay let us all be honest. Almost every one of us snores at sometime. If you do not snore all of the time I don’t believe that it is a big problem. Snoring can be quite annoying to you and your partner. It is also shown that men are affected more by their partners snoring so if you are a woman snoring keep that in mind about your partner.

Besides for the fact that snoring is annoying at times it can also be a sign that you are not completely healthy. Sometimes it is a sign that you may have a sleep disorder. There are other symptoms that go along with snoring if you have a sleep disorder but this could be one of the signs.

What Is Snoring?
Snoring is pretty simple to define. It is the vibration of the respiratory structures and this makes the sound. The reason it is bad is because the sound is made because of obstructed air movement while you are trying to breathe when you are sleeping. Sometimes this can be quite and sometimes it can be quite loud and not the best sound for your sleeping partner to hear when they are trying to hit the hay.

What Can I Do About Snoring? If you find yourself wondering what can be done about your horrible problem of snoring there are a few steps that must be taken at first.

The very first thing that you must do is to find out the cause for the snoring and then you can look for the cure. This is the only way that you can cure anything is to find the cause first.

Many times people that snore simply have too much throat or nasal tissue. This floppy tissue is much more prone to vibrate than tissue that is more firm. The position of the tongue may also be a problem and be causing you to make those horrible noises while you are trying to get some zzzs. Once you figure out how you snore and when you snore you will be able to figure out if you can do something about it or if you are going to have to seek professional help.

Where Does That Horrible Sound Come From?
If you are wondering where the sound comes from there are a few different reasons that you could be making these sounds. One of which would be the narrowing of your airway. I have noticed when I am extremely tired I will snore a little when I normally would not. This is because I am too tired to hold my airways open properly. Another thing that may cause this sound is poor sleep posture. Make sure that you are sleeping so that you can breathe easily.
If you are aging, or are over weight this may also make you snore. Do you have nasal and sinus problems? Do you drink, smoke or take medications? If you have or do any of these things they can also contribute to your problem of snoring.

How to Stop Snoring

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